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Spring 2025

It’s been a while since Open Road Chapels has done a Joshua Journey, but it hasn’t been through lack of trying or a lack of desire to make the journey. Since Covid-19 shut everything down in 2020, we have greatly wanted to get back on the road, carrying the message of the love of God to men and women in the trucking industry. It is our hope that, as the Lord wills and as we are able, that the Joshua Journey will resume as soon as possible in the spring of 2025.

Please pray with us that the Lord’s will be done. And if you feel impressed to assist us financially, please visit the Donations page and follow the instructions, or go to CanadaHelps to donate.


October 5-18, 2020 — The End of the Road

A Very Big THANK YOU, to all of our ORC and Joshua Journey Family and Friends!! We cannot do this ministry without your prayers and financial support. We didn’t know if we would be able to do a Joshua Journey at all this year, but God is good and more than able!! It was a modified journey, but we still saw many lives touched and a couple that accepted the Lord. We are so excited for the establishment of the new permanent chapel at Edmonton, Alberta. We look forward to all that the Lord will do through this location and with the dedicated people there. God has provided everything we need and we are so grateful to Him. And we are grateful to you, for your continued partnership. Thanks again, and God bless each of you!!


September 26-October 4, 2020

September 12-25, 2020

August 28-September 11, 2020


August 14-27, 2020 A lot has happened in the last 2 weeks! Rev Don left for Edmonton, Alberta, with the new permanent chapel in-tow on August 14th. Since then he delivered the chapel and worked with local people to get it set up and operational. The chaplains that will be serving the community there “reported for duty” and are ready to start sharing the gospel, as well as doing what they can to bring hope and comfort to men and women in the trucking industry in the area.

We praise the Lord for His goodness and blessings; for the safety in travel and preparation for ministry in Edmonton, Alberta. Below are a few “post cards” of the events of the last couple of weeks. Please continue to pray for the ministry, for the chaplains that are serving and for Rev Don as he continues on the Joshua Journey in the coming weeks. Next stop… Hope, British Columbia!

August 14th, 2020

Praise the Lord, the fall 2020 Joshua Journey has begun! On August 14th, Rev Don Harrison spoke about this year’s Joshua Journey; how it came together, the objective and a big “Thank You!” to all our faithful donors.

Make sure to check back here for regular updates over the next weeks. You can also check our Facebook page for updates.

Please keep the mission and Rev Don in your thoughts and prayers, as he’s out on the open road.

Thanks again and God bless you!



We are so thankful for the privilege meeting the needs of men and women in trucking across Canada
where drivers can find refuge and answers in times of need.

To support the 2020 Joshua Journey, please use the handy links below to contribute
as the Holy Spirit leads you. Thank you for your generosity and PRAISE THE LORD!

Access our Secure Online Donation Form, or click the button below
to donate via CanadaHelps. Thank you again for your support!

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