UPDATES!! As of February 2nd, 2019
Praise the Lord!! We are able to announce that as of February 2nd, 2019, both the New Mobile Chapel and the New Truck have been PAID IN FULL!! Thank you for all your support through prayers, encouragement and financial donations over the last year. These were expenses that we weren’t planning on, but the Lord knew that they were coming and prepared your hearts to share, once again, in our ministry! Thank you and God bless you richly now and always. We are humbled and grateful for each one of you!
Originally published May 2018
We want to acknowledge the goodness of the Lord as He has provided our ministry with the $40,000 needed to launch the New Mobile Chapel! We also want to thank each of you for your prayers and financial support as we are preparing the “new” trailer for renovations to make it road ready for mid-May, 2018, when we will begin our next Joshua Journey, Lord willing!
Originally published April 2018
We need your help urgently!!
Our current trailer, that we purchased in 2007, has been our front-line ministry builder visiting many Pilot Flying J Travel Centres across Canada since 2011. This trailer desperately needs to be replaced, with your help. We have permanent chapels now placed in Lancaster and Napanee, Ontario; Calgary, Alberta and Winnipeg, Manitoba. The Mobile Chapel is a recruiting centre for chaplains, volunteers and board members. Countless numbers of drivers have given their lives to Christ. It has been Don’s home for long periods of time while travelling across Canada. Regular servicing has extended its life for the past 11 years, but itʼs time to replace the Mobile Chapel. With your support, this will happen.
Time is ticking very quickly. Time is short. May 2018, the Mobile Chapel will roll out on the highway to another Pilot Flying J Travel Centre. Before the big wheels can turn, we desperately need your help today! The cost of replacement is forty thousand dollars ($40,000.00). God has blessed us through you and the recent GivingTuesday campaign with $13,000. But we are still in need of the additional $27,000 and your immediate financial contribution is essential. Thank you in advance for your wonderful contribution and we look forward to hearing from you.
A special “Thank You” to all our ministry partners, who stand with us in ministry. We could not do this without YOU! As we look forward to the New Year, let us follow the road that our Lord puts before us!
• you can send donations to Open Road Chapels, 3791 Campbell Road, Severn, Ontario L3V 0V3 or call the office at 1-877-850-0019,
• you can use the Secure Online Form on our website, or
• you may also make a monthly or one-time donation through CanadaHelps, by pressing on one of the buttons below.
“Thank you” and may God bless you.
Funds designated for a certain project or ministry will be used for that project or ministry. The donor gives the Open Road Chapels board authority to use any remaining funds for other similar purposes if the project is fully funded or if it cannot be reasonably carried out.