UPDATE!! As of February 2nd, 2019

























Praise the Lord!! We are able to announce that as of February 2nd, 2019, both the New Mobile Chapel and the New Truck have been PAID IN FULL!! Thank you for all your support through prayers, encouragement and financial donations over the last year. These were expenses that we weren’t planning on, but the Lord knew that they were coming and prepared your hearts to share, once again, in our ministry! Thank you and God bless you richly now and always. We are humbled and grateful for each one of you!


Originally published July 2019




We need your help urgently!! The Truck we used to haul the Mobile Chapel has been forced into retirement after 10 years of faithful service!

In 2008, a Ford Truck was acquired to pull the Mobile Chapel to the many events on IMG_0167our schedule. A generous trucking company provided funding for the largest portion of the project. In June 2008, the new Mobile Chapel made its first trip to a truck show near Belleville, Ontario. During the first day of the show, a lost soul gave his life to Christ and countless others heard a clear presentation of the gospel. The Truck has been a traveling billboard; advertising for Open Road Chapels. Many have come to know the Lord and many have found refuge in traveling the roads of North America. The Mobile Chapel and Truck duo have been very busy with visiting truck stops, truck and trade shows and many Churches. To God be the Glory!

Since then, we have spent many years traveling across Canada ministering to the men and women that work in the Trucking Industry. During this time, the truck has been the backbone of our ministry in hauling people, equipment, supplies and trailers, and has seen many, many kilometers of road! We praise the Lord for the way in which this Truck has been a blessing to us and allowed us to bless others!

Reverend Don recently completed the 2018 Fall Joshua Journey. Because the ministry must move forward and God’s call to serve the men and women in Trucking is so important, we were able to secure a rental vehicle for this trip. God is so good! But this means that we also need to purchase a New Truck to continue our ministry.

Many of you know that we had to purchase a new trailer earlier this year and you graciously stepped up to help us. God used you mightily and that trailer traveled the road with Reverend Don visiting all across Western Canada on the Fall 2018 Joshua Journey. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your generosity and faithfulness. We couldn’t have done it without your prayers and financial support!

We are now extending a personal invitation to you to join us in continuing our mission. Your donation will go towards the $64,000.00 for the New Truck (similar to the one pictured above). Please donate today; the need is urgent. You can participate in this very important and unique ministry using our secure donation form, via CanadaHelps or our Facebook page. We cannot do this without your participation. We look forward to hearing from you very soon!

Thank you for allowing us to share this short ministry up-date. Thank you for partnering with us by your faithful prayers and/or financial gifts. The power and effectiveness of the Lord’s work is the result of your strong commitment in the presentation of the gospel to men and women in the world of trucking.


• you can send donations to Open Road Chapels, 3791 Campbell Road, Severn, Ontario L3V 0V3  or call the office at 1-877-850-0019,

• you can use the Secure Online Form on our website, or

• you may also make a monthly or one-time donation through CanadaHelps, by pressing on one of the buttons below.

“Thank you” and may God bless you.


Donate Now Through CanadaHelps.org!Faire un don maintenant par CanadaHelps.org!




Funds designated for a certain project or ministry will be used for that project or ministry. The donor gives the Open Road Chapels board authority to use any remaining funds for other similar purposes if the project is fully funded or if it cannot be reasonably carried out.